package CGI::NMS::Validator; use strict; =head1 NAME CGI::NMS::Validator - validation methods =head1 SYNOPSYS use base qw(CGI::NMS::Validator); ... my $validurl = $self->validate_abs_url($url); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides methods to validate some of the types of data the occur in CGI scripts, such as URLs and email addresses. =head1 METHODS These C methods all return undef if the item passed in is invalid, otherwise they return the valid item. Some of these methods attempt to transform invalid input into valid input (for example, validate_abs_url() will prepend http:// if missing) so the returned valid item may not be the same as that passed in. The returned value is always detainted. =over =item validate_abs_url ( URL ) Validates an absolute URL. =cut sub validate_abs_url { my ($self, $url) = @_; $url = "http://$url" unless $url =~ /:/; $url =~ s#^(\w+://)# lc $1 #e; $url =~ m< ^ ( (?:ftp|http|https):// [\w\-\.]{1,100} (?:\:\d{1,5})? ) ( /* (?:[^\./].*)? ) $ >mx or return ''; my ($prefix, $path) = ($1, $2); return $prefix unless length $path; $path = $self->validate_local_abs_uri_frag($path); return '' unless $path; return "$prefix$path"; } =item validate_local_abs_uri_frag ( URIFRAG ) Validates a local absolute URI fragment, such as C. Allows a query string. The empty string is considered to be a valid URI fragment. =cut sub validate_local_abs_uri_frag { my ($self, $frag) = @_; $frag =~ m< ^ ( (?: \.* / [\w\-.!~*'(|);/\@+\$,%#&=]* )? (?: \? [\w\-.!~*'(|);/\@+\$,%#&=]* )? ) $ >x ? $1 : ''; } =item validate_url ( URL ) Validates a URL, which can be either an absolute URL or a local absolute URI fragment. =cut sub validate_url { my ($self, $url) = @_; if ($url =~ m#://#) { $self->validate_abs_url($url); } else { $self->validate_local_abs_uri_frag($url); } } =item validate_email ( EMAIL ) Validates an email address. =cut sub validate_email { my ($self, $email) = @_; $email =~ /^([a-z0-9_\-\.\*\+\=]{1,100})\@([^@]{2,100})$/i or return 0; my ($user, $host) = ($1, $2); return 0 if $host =~ m#^\.|\.$|\.\.#; if ($host =~ m#^\[\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\]$# or $host =~ /^[a-z0-9\-\.]+$/i ) { return "$user\@$host"; } else { return 0; } } =item validate_realname ( REALNAME ) Validates a real name, i.e. an email address comment field. =cut sub validate_realname { my ($self, $realname) = @_; $realname =~ tr# a-zA-Z0-9_\-,./'\200-\377# #cs; $realname = substr $realname, 0, 128; $realname =~ m#^([ a-zA-Z0-9_\-,./'\200-\377]*)$# or die "failed on [$realname]"; return $1; } =item validate_html_color ( COLOR ) Validates an HTML color, either as a named color or as RGB values in hex. =cut sub validate_html_color { my ($self, $color) = @_; $color =~ /^(#[0-9a-z]{6}|[\w\-]{2,50})$/i ? $1 : ''; } =back =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 MAINTAINERS The NMS project, E To request support or report bugs, please email Enms-cgi-support@lists.sourceforge.netE =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2003 London Perl Mongers, All rights reserved =head1 LICENSE This module is free software; you are free to redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;